We got involved a few years ago, as School the World offers a Service Learning Program for high school kids like us, to help with projects in Guatemala. While we have focused a lot on building of actual schools and other facilities, their mission goes well beyond that, including teacher training, supplying books and learning materials, securing financial commitment from local governments, deeply engaging parents, and more. Matt just completed his third “tour of duty” and Nick his second, but we thought we’d tell you about our last project this recent February, and what we liked best.
Getting up Before Dawn and Lugging Buckets of Cement --- A Great Way to Spend School Break!
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stw2015 on Apr 26, 2017 9:52:18 AM
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When I signed up for School the World, I thought that speaking Spanish was going to be an important part of the trip. After all, the school we worked on was in Guatemala. However, I realized that understanding the “language of service” was much more important than actually being able to speak the local language.
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This past October Kate was asked to speak about School the World at renowned parenting expert Dr. Shefali's conference called Evolve. As fate would have it, Dr. Shefali had seen our video Journey about one student's 2.5 hour challenging trek to school each day on Facebook and immediately reached out to Kate. She said she felt a connection to our mission of lifting children out of extreme poverty with the power of education.
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