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I am a proud Tijonel!

Posted by School the World on Jul 8, 2022 2:56:39 PM

Our Early Childhood Program is centered around getting children to the necessary developmental stage so that they are ready to learn and succeed in the classroom (ages 0-6). We train Tijonel (women community volunteers) to work with the mothers and infants in their communities. This way, the Tijonels feel empowered to help their community and each of our communities is equipped with an early childhood expert! Learn more about our Early Childhood Program here.

Meet one of our Tijonels, Florinda: 

Tijonel Florinda #2

“Hi, my name is Florinda and I am Tijonel (Early Childhood Community Volunteer). I have 4 children: Diego (1st. grade), Sebastián (Preschool), and Domingo and María, who participate with me in the Early Childhood Program.

Two years ago, I was very sad and I cried a lot; I had no desire to live. I had no purpose besides sitting in my house with my kids. But when I least expected it, my life changed. School the World came and offered me the chance to be a Tijonel. Quickly, joy returned to my life. I told myself: “This is my opportunity to help my community and to realize my dream of helping others and having a purpose.

Being a Tijonel, has given me hope; I feel so fulfilled! I feel like a teacher, a nurse and a doctor all at the same time! It has motivated me a lot, transformed my life and now I am a leader in my community.

As a Tijonel, I have the opportunity to be someone; I am recognized, I am important.

I love it! Seeing the mothers and children learning, fills me with pride! I have learned that development in young children is very important and this program helps them to be more intelligent and prepared. Kids have fun, learn, get ready to go to school and get a better future; this way they do not suffer, as we suffered when we were little.

With Her Children #3

I never went to school, but now I am learning and teaching!

This year, we had a meeting with Tijonels from other communities and what a wonderful experience!

This program is changing my life. I now know that women have worth and we can have an important role in the community and not just raise our kids. It is a beautiful thing. Thank you School the World for changing my life! "

Working #2

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