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See all that #ReadShareGive can do!

Posted by stw2015 on Nov 17, 2016 10:15:21 AM


We are well into School the World's #ReadShareGive campaign this month! We hope everyone is feeling sentimental about their favorite children's books and their reading experiences with their family! Please, please keep sharing your favorite books and explanations on social media!

While reading has been a luxury many of us overlook and take for granted, literacy continues to be a problem in many corners of the world. Over 775 million people have yet to enjoy the experience of a great book, many of those being children.

School the World is changing that! This year, we celebrated our first graduating class from our first school at Mactzul Septimo! These students have been with us since the building of their school five years ago, and now we get to see them graduate!

"The kids were so happy and the parents were so proud! The graduation ceremony is a signal to the community that this is a big deal!"-Kate Curran, Founder & CEO.

Our students are proof that the smallest donation and hope for change has the ability to change lives and give children the access to education that they deserve.

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"I always have firmly believed in our philosophy that all kids love to learn and all parents want a better life for their children.  I knew that if we could create the conditions that allowed children to learn, they would want to stay in school and parents would support their children in school.  And that is what we can now see happening!"- Kate.

When children living in extreme poverty are given access to quality education, their lives change. Gender equality, health, and income increase, while violence, crime and mortality rates decrease.

"171 million people could be lifted out of poverty if all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills" -UNESCO, Education for All Global Monitoring Report

During our #ReadShareGive campaign this month, your donation of just $5 could bring a book to a classroom library in Central America, where kids are continuing to learn to read every day. With your help, we can continue to ensure children in rural, poor communities are learning the necessary skills to increase their quality of life and are graduating from primary school.

Please keep sharing your favorite books and stories to help us raise awareness about the global literacy crisis and don't forget to donate whatever you can - every little bit helps!



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