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SSL photo contest...here are your finalists!

Posted by stw2015 on Sep 2, 2016 5:55:17 PM

We love seeing all the photographs our SSL students take once they have returned from their travels to Guatemala, and we know our friends and supporters of STW will enjoy seeing them as well, so this year we decided to hold a little photo contest.

We gave our students 5 categories and asked them to describe why their image represented that category. We are so excited to announce the finalists in our Student Service Learning Photo Contest!

hard work.Harvesting potatoes...Halle Sullivan

Hard Work:

Title: Harvesting Potatoes, by Halle Sullivan

While visiting this woman’s house in Guatemala she showed us what her normal day looked like. It was non-stop but she never complained about anything, even when she had to do back breaking labor with a toddler on her back. She was positive the whole time and never seemed to be discouraged that her situation was less than ideal.


Friendship - Grace Hayman



Title: Friendship, by Grace Hayman

This young girl used to stay late after school everyday with her cousin to help us build and to play more games. In this picture, I am showing her pictures on my phone of my family and the fun things from my life back home. She had so many questions and loved seeing all the photos I had on my phone.

Education.Playgrounds are...Megan Reid



Title: Playgrounds are classrooms too, by Megan Reid

One of the most common questions I was asked while fundraising for a playground was, "A playground? Not a school?" Often, I had to explain School the World's new Play Initiative because my family and friends were used to me requesting donations for a school. I knew a playground would bring the kids joy, but I didn't realize just how much until we were able to see it in action. This boy's smile really said everything. And that wasn't all- not only were the kids having a ton of fun, but they were learning to take turns, wait in line, and play together. They were developing motor skills, using up some energy so they could focus in the classroom, and getting the chance to play before heading home to work in the fields or the home. The playground was just as essential to their education as the classroom.

Community.Happiness comes from....Olivia Curran


Title: Happiness comes from helping others,  by Olivia Curran

Each and every time I have visited a community with School the World, every task at hand is a group effort and the involvement of the community with School the World is an effort made by every parent, student, and child. Everyone is invested in the education of the children and works their hardest to achieve the highest success that they can. Often with playgrounds, I have seen that the older students are so willing to help out the younger students and that is exactly what this picture shows. All members of the community want to start their children's education from the earliest stage and so it is a team effort to teach the youngest ones and allow them to expand their education as much as possible. 

Beautiful inside and out...Rosie Crawford

Title: Beautiful inside and out, by Rosie Crawford
I chose this photo for the category hope because I feel like it really shows the trust and hope the children had for us as we entered their community and promised them a school. The way their faces lit up as we handed them stickers or soccer balls was the most raw kind of hope you can find. Their optimistic, kind souls are the reason I can't stop thinking about them and constantly wonder what they are up to! 
Thanks to all the students who submitted images. There were so many great photographs of your travels to Guatemala! Next step, at our fall fundraiser this Thursday, September 8th we will be showcasing the finalists images and our attendees will vote on their favorite images. So grab a friend and a ticket and head over to the terrace at Eaton Vance Thursday at 6:30pm. Not only will you get to see and vote on these images, you'll enjoy great drinks, yummy apps and a fantastic silent auction!

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