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Today's World Changer: Katie Skinner

Posted by stw2015 on Jun 2, 2014 1:00:35 PM

Katie Skinner is a freshman at Winchester High School in Winchester, MA. This was her first time traveling with School the World.


The trip made me realize how different the world is when you step out of the bubble that you live in. I have been to other countries (India and Vietnam) but when I was there I was staying at resorts and sight-seeing. When I stepped into the Guatemalan village for the first time I was blown away by how friendly the children and their parents were. There may have been a big language barrier, but they were chatty and interested in what you were saying anyways. When we first started the painting, the kids were curious, but didn’t want to get in the way. After a little bit of time their shyness left them and they started painting, and they loved it. To them it didn’t matter if they got paint on their clothes, face, or hair because it was their school and they were determined to help create it. The best part about staying in the village for the day was recess because you saw that thy were so happy with just being outside and running around, and playing games just like we do in the U.S., showing that just because we come from different places, we are all the same.


L-R: Francesca Fagnani-Coor, Katie Skinner, Maddie Bohne L-R: Francesca Fagnani-Coor, Katie Skinner, Maddie Bohne


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